The weight loss drops are shown to reduce the hard to lose fat around the abdomen, hips, thighs and double chin.
The Diet!
Weight loss Supplement: Place 10 drops (about 1/2 dropper) under the tongue and hold up to 5 minutes or as long as you can, four times a day. It works best for reducing hunger if you do it 1 hour before meals. Do not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before or
after the drops.
Do not receive any massages, drink any soda or diet soft drinks, eat pork or exercise excessively, because these things will cause weight loss to stall.
DO follow the diet and eat only the foods specified for the best results. If you deviate from the diet plan your weight loss will slow down or stop.
Days 1-3 eat anything you want. Start taking your drops now and focus on high fat content foods. The idea is to build up your normal fat stores so that your body has energy and you are not hungry. This also helps with the psychological connections to food.
Days 4-23 or 4-40 low fat, low carb, no sugar diet. The diet below is the one that is recommended by Dr. Simeon (the one who wrote the book on HCG) it is very restrictive, but we do find that if you follow a reasonable diet you will still lose weight. You must avoid fats, sugars and carbohydrates so that your body will burn its own fat. If fats, sugars and carbohydrates are available it will burn them first, and you will not burn as many of your fat cells.
After you complete the protocol, for the next 3 days, follow the same diet you were on while using the drops. For the next three weeks avoid sugars and carbohydrates so that your body has time to adjust. Increase your caloric intake and eat 5-6 times a day. After three weeks you may eat a healthy diet. Slowly introduce whole grains and carbohydrates into your diet. Remember a healthy diet means that you should eat 2/3’s vegetables and fruits and the other third should come from lean and healthy protein sources such as chicken, fish, nuts, beans, legumes etc.
We hope that this weight loss diet will help you change your relationship with food. A healthy diet is very important to our health and cell growth. Eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is important. Processed foods do not provide nutrients, antioxidants or fiber to your diet and they are very important to living a healthy life.
Breakfast: |
Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Stevia may be used.
Lunch: One Item from each category. |
1. Protein 3.5 ounces of veal, lean beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird. 3. Carbohydrate One bread stick (grissino) or one Melba toast. Less than 4 grams of carbohydrates and 25 calories. |
Dinner :
Snacks: |
The same four choices as lunch (above.) 2 liters minimum per day. Coffee, tea, water or mineral water in any quantity. Stevia may be used to sweeten tea and coffee. Apple Cider Vinegar can help digestion and hunger and burn fat. Use 1 TBSP in 3-4oz of water with a few drops of Stevia. If you drink this before a meal it helps. Fruit or a bread stick may be eaten as a snack instead of as part of the meals.
Chew on this Anise seeds taste like licorice and help freshen breath Fresh Parsley also freshens breath and is a natural diuretic.
If you cheat you may not lose weight that day, or for a couple days, but stay on the drops and get back on the correct foods right away and you will find that it does keep working. Do not stop the drops and restart them because it will interrupt the sequence.
Fruits and vegetables with high levels of carbohydrates (starches) are not allowed on the HCG Diet. Foods that are high in sugar and starches should also be avoided in the maintenance phase. Foods to avoid:
Acorn Squash |
Bananas |
Butternut squash |
Carrots |
Corn |
Dried fruit |
Mangos |
Parsnips |
Peas |
Plantains |
Potatoes |
Root Vegetables |
Bagels |
Beans |
Biscuits |
Bread |
Breaded foods |
Brownies |
Buns |
Cakes |
Candy |
Canned fruit |
Cereals |
Chocolate |
Cookies |
Cool Whip |
Corn chips |
Corn meal |
Cornstarch |
Corn syrup |
Crackers |
Cupcakes |
Donuts |
Energy drinks |
Fast food |
Flour |
Frosting |
Fruit juice |
Grains |
Granola |
Honey |
Hot dogs |
Ice cream |
Ketchup |
Kool-aid |
Lentils |
Maple syrup |
Muffins |
Oatmeal |
Pancakes |
Pasta |
Pie |
Pita bread |
Polenta |
Popcorn |
Processed |
Potato chips |
Pretzels |
Pudding |
Rice |
Rolls |
Soda drinks |
Taco shells |
Tortillas |
Velveeta |
White flour |
Yams |
Below are some recipes that we have found on the internet. Hope you enjoy them. If you search the internet there are lots of people posting recipes, just make sure to use your best judgment.
You may also find Stevia sweetener at most health food stores, we recommend it instead of other sweeteners because its 100% natural. It’s available in granulated, and liquid. We recommend that you do not use Saccharin or Aspartame.
Three Kinds of Fat
1. Structural Fat: Used to protect body organs and arteries and to keep skin smooth and taut.
2. Normal Reserve Fat: Used to store energy for immediate use.
3. Abnormal Fat: Burned only after normal fat stores are depleted. It is not available to the body in emergency energy situations. This is the hard to burn fat.
Typically, when you diet to lose pounds the first fat to be used up are the normal reserves, then the structural reserves. Finally, the body resorts to the abnormal fat stores to find the energy it needs. By this point most people have already gotten so tired and weak that they give up on the diet. Instead of losing the largest stores of fat, they have decreased the important fat that protects their bones and makes their skin look taut, so they look older and more wrinkled. The diet burns the abnormal fat around the hips, thighs, potbelly, and double chin. It releases 2000 calories per day to burn as energy from these places.
An obese person requires more calories to function than a leaner person, because it takes more energy to move around, maintain body temperature and simply exist. If you recall the fat types we discussed in the previous paragraph you will notice that these people are burning their normal stores of fat for energy, and then feeling exhausted until they consume more calories.
The standard length of treatment is 23 days for an overweight person. Obese patients may stay on the program for 40 days, and then if needed may wait no less than 6 weeks and do another round. If more rounds of treatment are required each resting period must be progressively longer than the last. Scheduled breaks are 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks and 6 months.
Patients who have been dieting and who may have low normal fat reserves should eat to build up their normal fat reserves when starting this program. For three days they should eat more calories than normal to build up their normal fat stores. These calories should be from high fat foods. Normal fat reserves are required for energy. A small amount of weight gain may occur, but it will come off rather quickly from the abnormal fat stores. After loading your fat reserves, a 500 calorie diet is used during the time that the drops are used to gain the most benefit.
Do not exercise excessively or receive any massages during this phase of treatment. The toxins that are released by the burning of extra fat cells are being processed by the body during this phase. By exercising hard or receiving a massage you release more toxins into the blood.
Post Treatment
The first three days after completing a series of the diet, patients must remain on the 500 calorie diet. This will reset the metabolism. The first three weeks post-treatment are crucial to success of a managed weight loss. Carbohydrates and sugar should be avoided during the first three weeks after treatment. Weight during this time may fluctuate if over consumption occurs. Combining fats and starches will cause weight gain. Patients should weigh themselves each morning to manage their weight. Followed correctly, this plan will train your body to use stored fat for energy when it’s needed.
The Diet – The Loading Phase
The goal is to eat as many calories as possible, preparing the body for a period of very low calorie intake. These foods should be high in fat. By completely filling all fat stores, the metabolism is convinced that the body is not in a starvation mode. For some it is useful to think this as "bear eating", like a bear preparing for a long winter.
The beginning days are also designed to attack some of the psychological addictions that many have developed over time. By gorging on their favorite foods for several days, patterns and associations are changed while cravings are satisfied. Many find that the first day is almost unbelievable, but find it very difficult to continue to the end of the second day.
Recommended foods:
Fried foods, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, corn dogs, onion rings, Mexican food, fried chicken, pork rinds, potato chips, pot pies, pizza, gravy, Macadamia nuts, macaroni and cheese, rich sauces, butter, cheese, ice cream, milk shakes, doughnuts, chocolate, cookies, cakes, candy bars, pies, hot fudge and whipped cream.
Rapid Weight Loss Phase
For many, believing and accepting the rapid weight loss with the diet is perhaps the most difficult part of the diet. This isn’t surprising, since we’ve all been taught to lose 1-2 pounds per week, then suddenly a diet claims to produce that type of weight loss every day!
Those who ignore the skeptics and try the HCG Diet find they rapidly lose weight without excessive hunger. Men tend to average a little over a pound per day, while women can expect to lose about 1/2 to 1 pound per day. The weight loss is more dramatic in the beginning and tends to slow during the last week.
In the weight loss phase, the intake of the drops continues, but a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) of 500 calories replaces the heavy eating. For many, a diet so low in calories seems impossible to achieve; however, because of the HCG, thousands of calories are released for energy as fat is burned from areas all over the body and hunger is eliminated.
The most important concept to understand about this phase is how incredibly reactive the body is to any variance away from the eating plan. It is CRITICAL that every part of the diet is followed exactly. Even the smallest changes can produce large gains in weight and set back additional weight loss for almost 3 days.
Diet Tips
The meals may be broken up and eaten throughout the day, but the daily ration of 2 carbohydrates or 2 fruits can never be eaten at the same time. The drops should be taken daily. The chicken breast cannot be substituted with turkey or other fowl, nor does it mean a wing or a drumstick of chicken. If you have a stall in loss you may opt. to do an apple day. Eat nothing but apples, applesauce (no sugar) apple juice etc… with no sugar or artificial sweeteners. Venison has been substituted for meat in some occasions.
Kitchen Scale
To accurately weigh portions, you must have a scale that is accurate to one-tenth of an ounce. Using grams is a more accurate method than ounces (28 grams = 1 ounce).
The diet must not exceed 500 calories per day; equally important are the sources of the calories. While there are many fruits and vegetables that are not on the diet that have equal or lower calories, they cannot be substituted for those listed on the diet. Pimiento peppers, okra, artichokes, pears and turkey are examples of this.
Because of its higher fat content, red meat shouldn’t be eaten more than once per day. The diet works for the small elderly grandmother, the same way it does for the giant young linebacker. This happens because the pathway is the same – the dieter is living off their fat reserves instead of the fat that is eaten.
High Carbohydrate Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables with high levels of carbohydrates (starches) are not allowed on the HCG Diet. Here is a list of the foods to avoid:
Acorn Squash |
Bananas |
Butternut squash |
Carrots |
Corn |
Dried fruit |
Mangos |
Parsnips |
Peas |
Plantains |
Potatoes |
Root Vegetables |
Other Foods to Avoid
Foods that are high in sugar and starches should be avoided in maintenance phase. Here is a list of other foods that should be avoided:
Bagels |
Beans |
Biscuits |
Bread |
Breaded foods |
Brownies |
Buns |
Cakes |
Candy |
Canned fruit |
Cereals |
Chocolate |
Cookies |
Cool Whip |
Corn chips |
Corn meal |
Cornstarch |
Corn syrup |
Crackers |
Cupcakes |
Donuts |
Energy drinks |
Fast food |
Flour |
Frosting |
Fruit juice |
Grains |
Granola |
Honey |
Hot dogs |
Ice cream |
Ketchup |
Kool-aid |
Lentils |
Maple syrup |
Muffins |
Oatmeal |
Pancakes |
Pasta |
Pie |
Pita bread |
Polenta |
Popcorn |
Processed |
Potato chips |
Pretzels |
Pudding |
Rice |
Rolls |
Soda drinks |
Taco shells |
Tortillas |
Velveeta |
White flour |
Yams |
Glycemic Index:
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal; in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The Glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Click here for the Glycemic Index Chart.
Weight Loss Maintenance Eating Plans:
Once this phase beings, you may now eat anything you’d like except starch and sugar. After about 3 weeks, the bodyweight should become stable and should not have dramatic swings upward after an occasional intake of excess calories. According to Dr. Simeon, “If no carbohydrates whatsoever are eaten, fats can be indulged in somewhat more liberally and even small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine with meals, does no harm, but as soon as fats and starch are combined things are very liable to get out of hand. This has to be observed very carefully during the first 3 weeks after the treatment is ended, otherwise disappointments are almost sure to occur.”
It is important to eat an adequate amount of protein and enough food. A good rule of thumb is to double your intake of protein and triple the amount of calories. Instead of 2 servings of 3.5 oz. (100g), you would have 2 servings of 7 oz. (200g), with a daily target of about 1,500 calories. These numbers would then be adjusted based upon your hunger and daily weight to maintain your weight in the 4 pound target range.
If your weight goes up 2 or more pounds, you must immediately have a Steak Day.
Steak Day Tips: Go to the butcher. Buy yourself the biggest, fattest, best marbled cut of meat they have to offer (you don’t have to watch the fat now) and if you’re not sure which cut is best, ask the meat guy. Take it home and sauté it in oil, butter, garlic, or whatever other seasoning you want. Relish every bite of the steak until you are full. Follow with an apple. You can substitute a tomato for the apple if you prefer. Some have lost as much as 7 pounds of gained inflammation in just one day using this technique.
If it goes down more than 2 pounds, you must have a double Philly Steak Day.
Read Food Labels!
Next time you’re food shopping, carefully read the labels before purchasing anything. It will amaze you just how many products have sugar added to them. Now they may not come right out and call it sugar, but that’s exactly what it is.